Impact of Air Commerce Act of 1926 on Aviation in the United States
The Air Commerce Act of 1926 The Air Commerce Act of 1926 successfully established Federal control over civil aviation. This regulation spanned a large number of changes, including new regulations for "aircraft, airmen, navigational facilities, and the establishment of air traffic regulations" ( The Air Commerce Act of 1926, AvStop). In doing so, this legislative act changed the aviation community in the United States for the better. Specifically, this act made changes to regulations that significantly affected how safe the operations were and helped establish and maintain federal airways, increasing operability and safety. One big change that came about from the Air Commerce Act was the requirement for airmen to pass physicals to ensure that the were physically fit for flight. This requirement stands today, with requirements to pass 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class medical exams in order to legally operate as Pilot in Command of a civil aircraft. In addit...