
Showing posts from November, 2021
Environmental Effects on Aircraft Performance               An aircraft's performance relies upon a wide array of factors including the wing design, the power plant, the weight of the airplane and the drag that is created, among other things. No matter the aircraft design, however, there is one thing that every aircraft's performance relies upon, and that is density altitude. Density altitude can be broken down to a simple and somewhat meaningless definition, yet still has a meaningful and practical application of the idea in relation to aircraft performance. Simply put, density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature variations. This doesn't mean much unless we understand pressure altitude as well as nonstandard temperature and what that does to the air we choose to fly in.      Altitude and Temperature      Altitude, as in the height above some standard plane, and temperature, as in the measurement of the heat energy that an element possesses,
    The number one goal of all those involved in aviation should be to promote safety and safe practices. After all, mechanical failures or mistakes made in a car have little consequence when compared to piloting an airplane. I can't just pull over to the side of the road when I run out of fuel in my airplane, for example. Instead, what would have been a minor inconvenience in my Toyota Camry now turns into an engine failure and full-blown emergency scenario. Pilots of aircraft, big and small, East and West, boy or girl, have an ethical responsibility to be competent, safe, and responsible in and around airplanes. The importance of safe practices and proficiency cannot be emphasized enough. The pilot, as stated by the ALPA or Airline Pilot's Association, should " keep uppermost in their mind that the safety, comfort, and well-being of the passengers who entrust their lives to them are the Pilot’s first and greatest responsibility"  ( Code of Ethics  2021) . This, in m